What is SculpSure?

SculpSure is an innovative, non-invasive fat removal procedure that uses advanced light-based laser energy to target and reduce stubborn fatty tissue. FDA-approved for treating areas like love handles (flanks) and the abdomen, SculpSure is suitable for all skin types and ethnicities. With its four independent applicators, SculpSure gently warms the targeted area, damaging fat cells without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue. Over the weeks following treatment, your body naturally sheds the damaged fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fatty tissue. Best of all, there’s no need for anesthesia, incisions, or downtime, allowing you to return to your daily routine.

What are the benefits of SculpSure?

  • Quick 25-minute treatments
  • No need for anesthesia, incisions, or sutures
  • Zero downtime; return to your daily activities immediately
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Achieve long-lasting, natural-looking results

Dr. Leonard Miller, a leading plastic surgeon on the East Coast, is proud to offer SculpSure in Boston. He customizes each procedure to your unique aesthetic goals and can combine it with other techniques for optimal, rejuvenating results. 

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What is the procedure?

The SculpSure procedure, performed at the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, typically takes 25 minutes in one of our private treatment rooms. While it may cause mild discomfort, most patients find it easily manageable. The procedure involves a gentle tingling and warming sensation as the current intermittently increases. The provider will choose the target treatment area, and with four contouring trays, SculpSure can be adjusted to treat multiple locations, such as the abdomen and flanks. You can read, talk on the phone during your session, or relax. You’ll be ready to resume your daily routine within half an hour.

What is the recovery time?

There’s no downtime needed after a SculpSure treatment. You can return to work, school, and your regular exercise routine immediately after the procedure. SculpSure is the ideal “lunchtime” procedure, allowing you to return to your desk in less than an hour.

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What can I expect in the results?

While the results of SculpSure are not immediate, you’ll begin to notice changes in four to six weeks as your body sheds the debris of the fat cells impacted by the energy. The benefits will continue to improve, delivering up to a 24% reduction in fatty tissue.

After two to three months, you’ll see the full results of your SculpSure treatment. In many cases, a single session may be enough. However, those seeking additional fat reduction can schedule a second session safely.

How much does SculpSure cost?

The cost of your SculpSure procedure depends on the area being treated and the extent of correction you envision for your body. During your complimentary consultation, we’ll determine the exact price of your treatment. Like most cosmetic procedures, SculpSure is not covered by insurance, but we offer payment options, including financing through Prosper Healthcare Lending.

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Why choose us?

Discover the renowned body sculpting expertise at Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, where Dr. Leonard Miller and his team of professionals offer cutting-edge, non-invasive treatments to improve appearance and reduce the signs of aging for decades. If you’re considering nonsurgical fat removal,  schedule a complimentary consultation.

Join our satisfied patients who have achieved remarkable results, just like this one:

OMG – Dr. Miller and his staff are the best! I have never looked or felt better than I do today at 55!”

How long does a SculpSure session take, and is anesthesia required?

A SculpSure session typically lasts 25 minutes. The procedure does not require anesthesia, making it non-invasive and comfortable. While you may feel a gentle tingling and warming sensation during the session, most patients find the discomfort manageable.

Is there any downtime after a SculpSure treatment?

No, there is no downtime required after a SculpSure treatment. You can immediately return to your regular activities, including work, school, and exercise. SculpSure is a convenient “lunchtime” procedure, allowing you to return to your daily routines within an hour.

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When can I expect to see results from SculpSure?

The results of a SculpSure treatment are not immediate, but you can typically start noticing improvements in about four to six weeks. As your body naturally processes the treated fat cells, the benefits will continue to enhance, potentially achieving up to a 24% reduction in fatty tissue. The full results from a SculpSure session can usually be seen after two to three months.

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Will I need multiple SculpSure sessions?

In many cases, a single SculpSure session effectively addresses stubborn fat bulges. However, if you desire further fat reduction, you can safely schedule a second SculpSure session two to three months later to enhance your results.

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