Overly large breasts can cause ongoing back, neck, and shoulder pain, limited activity, and emotional distress. If you developed large, heavy breasts early in life, you may have endured years of teasing and physical discomfort. A breast reduction in Boston, a common and effective procedure in the field of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, offers individuals an opportunity to achieve a more balanced and comfortable physical state. This transformative surgical intervention, performed by Dr. Doherty and Dr. Tandon at the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, addresses the physical and emotional challenges associated with disproportionately large breasts.

What are the Benefits of Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction surgery offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly enhance your overall well-being. Here are some of the key benefits you can expect from undergoing a breast reduction in Boston:

  • Alleviated Discomfort
  • Improved Body Proportion
  • Increased Clothing Options
  • Enhanced Self-Confidence
  • More Active Lifestyle
  • Improved Hygiene

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery (reduction mammaplasty) eliminates excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin to sculpt breasts to be more proportionately balanced to the body. In addition to the aesthetic benefits, a breast reduction can also alleviate the discomfort associated with overly large breasts, including back, shoulder, and neck pain, skin irritation, restricted activity, and poor posture. This surgical procedure can significantly enhance the emotional well-being of individuals experiencing the challenges of excessively large breasts.

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Ideal Candidates for Breast Reduction in Boston, MA

Breast reduction surgery is a highly personalized procedure and may not be suitable for all individuals. Optimal candidates breast reduction in Boston are typically women who are concerned about the size of their breasts or the physical discomfort they cause. The following are some characteristics of ideal candidates for breast reduction:

  • Women with extremely large breasts causing discomfort
  • Those who are at a stable weight
  • Individuals who experience back, neck, and shoulder pain caused by the weight of their breasts
  • Those with minimal excess skin
  • Women who experience skin irritation beneath the breast crease
  • Individuals who have shoulder indentations from tight bra straps
  • Those who are limited in physical activity due to breast size
  • Non-smokers
  • Individuals who are overall physically healthy
  • Have realistic expectations of the results

Reduction Mammaplasty Consultation

Before undergoing reduction mammaplasty, it’s important to schedule a private, discrete consultation with Dr. Doherty or Dr. Tandon at Boston Center for Plastic Surgery. During your consultation, they will evaluate your health, assess your situation, and listen to your desired outcome. They will also discuss the procedure in detail, including the technique, incision placement, potential scarring, and the recovery process.

Together, you will determine the optimal breast size and shape for your frame, and you will have an opportunity to view before-and-after photos of previous breast reductions. Both Dr. Doherty and Dr. Tandon will make sure all your questions and concerns are fully addressed and will work closely with you each step of the way to ensure the best possible experience and outcome.

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The Breast Reduction Procedure

Dr. Doherty and Dr. Tandon’s approach to breast reduction surgery involves:

  • Strategically removing the exact right amount of skin, breast tissue, and fat for each patient.
  • Creating a pair of more evenly matched breasts that are as close to perfect symmetry as possible.

The surgical procedure performed to achieve a successful reduction of mammaplasty involves several steps, including:

  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia is the standard method used during breast reduction surgery to ensure patients remain comfortable throughout.
  • Incisions: Incisions are strategically placed on the breasts, with the specific type of incision tailored to meet the unique requirements of each individual patient.
  • Breast Tissue Removal: Excess breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed to reduce the size of the breasts.
  • Breast Reshaping: The remaining breast tissue is reshaped and repositioned to create smaller, more proportionate breasts.
  • Nipple Placement: After removing excess skin, the nipple is placed at the center of your newly formed breast mound. Your nipple and areola stay attached to your body throughout the procedure.
  • Closing the Incisions: The incisions are meticulously closed using sutures. The breasts are then securely bandaged, and in some cases, a drain may be inserted to facilitate the removal of excess fluids and minimize swelling.

The entire procedure can take between two to five hours, depending on the complexity of the case.

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 Recovery and Healing Post Breast Reduction

After the surgery, patients may experience some soreness, swelling, and bruising in the treated area. These side effects are temporary and will gradually subside over the course of a few weeks. During the recovery period, patients are advised to:

  • Rest and avoid strenuous activities for at least a few weeks following the procedure.
  • Wear a special surgical bra to aid in healing and maintain the new shape of the breasts.
  • Attend regular follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process.

While most patients can typically resume work and normal activities within approximately two weeks, individual recovery times may vary depending on healing rates and job demands. Adhering to Dr. Doherty and Dr. Tandon’s postoperative instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery and optimal results. When properly cared for, a breast reduction can provide long-lasting relief from physical discomfort.

Long-term Breast Reduction Results

Breast reduction surgery in Boston offers both physical relief and aesthetic enhancements. The outcomes are often transformative, leading to improved clothing fit, greater comfort during physical activities, and reduced back, neck, and shoulder discomfort. In addition, breast reduction patients frequently experience heightened self-confidence and an overall improvement in their quality of life. While initial results are noticeable, the full impact becomes clearer after swelling diminishes and incision lines fade, a process that typically takes several months.

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How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost?

The cost of breast reduction in Boston, MA, is influenced by factors such as procedure complexity, surgeon experience, and individual patient requirements. Each case is unique, and costs vary accordingly. Some insurance providers may cover part of the expense, particularly for medically necessary procedures due to physical discomfort. For precise pricing details, consult with Dr. Doherty or Dr. Tandon at Boston Center for Plastic Surgery during your consultation: call our Newbury Street office in Boston at 617.450.0070, or the Brookline office at 617.735.8735.

Why Choose Boston Center for Plastic Surgery Surgeons for Breast Reduction in Boston, MA?

Selecting the proper surgeon is vital for attaining optimal breast reduction outcomes. Dr. Doherty and Dr. Tandon are highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons who are committed to providing exceptional care and achieving extraordinary outcomes for their patients undergoing breast reduction surgery. Here are some reasons why you should consider them for your procedure:


Both Dr. Doherty and Dr. Tandon have extensive training and experience in performing breast reduction surgeries. They are adept at using the latest techniques to achieve optimal results.

Personalized Care

They take the time to understand each patient’s unique needs and goals and develop a personalized treatment plan to achieve the best possible outcome.

Commitment to Patient Satisfaction

Both surgeons are committed to ensuring the highest level of patient satisfaction. They take the time to answer all questions and address any concerns to ensure patients feel comfortable and well-informed about their procedure.

When you choose Dr. Doherty or Dr. Tandon for your breast reduction procedure, you can be confident that you are in the hands of a skilled and compassionate surgeon who will strive to deliver the results you desire.

Breast Reduction FAQ

What should I expect during my breast reduction consultation?

How long does the breast reduction procedure take?

What size breasts qualify for reduction?

How much does a breast reduction cost in Boston?

Will I have scars after my breast reduction surgery?

Can I breastfeed after a breast reduction?

Will insurance cover my breast reduction?

What are the risks of breast reduction surgery?

What should I expect during my breast reduction consultation?

During your consultation, Dr. Doherty or Dr. Tandon will review your objectives and anticipated outcomes for the breast reduction procedure. They will review your medical history, assess your situation, and explain the procedure in detail. The consultation also allows you to ask any questions regarding the procedure, recovery process, and potential results.

How long does the breast reduction procedure take?

The breast reduction procedure typically takes two to five hours to complete, depending on the extent of reduction and reshaping required. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia.

What size breasts qualify for reduction?

The size at which breasts become uncomfortable or life-inhibiting depends entirely on the feelings of each individual. If you are experiencing physical discomfort or having trouble with confidence due to the feeling that your breasts are too large, it may be best to schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon to see if breast reduction is the solution for you.

How much does a breast reduction cost in Boston?

Breast reduction costs in Boston, MA can depend on the complexity of the procedure, the surgeon’s experience, and the specific requirements to meet each patient’s needs and goals. Since every patient is unique and we want to provide you with the most accurate pricing possible, we recommend that you schedule a consultation with Dr. Doherty or Dr. Tandon at Boston Center for Plastic Surgery.

Will I have scars after my breast reduction surgery?

All surgical procedures leave some form of scar. However, Dr. Doherty and Dr. Tandon use advanced surgical techniques to minimize breast reduction scars and place incisions in areas that can be concealed by bras and swimsuits.

Can I breastfeed after a breast reduction?

While some women are able to breastfeed after a breast reduction, others may have difficulty. The ability to breastfeed after the procedure depends on the surgical technique used and the individual patient’s body. This is something you can discuss with Dr. Doherty or Dr. Tandon during your consultation.

Will insurance cover my breast reduction?

Some insurance companies may cover the cost of a breast reduction if it’s deemed medically necessary due to physical discomfort or pain caused by excessively large breasts. It’s best to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage.

What are the risks of breast reduction surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, breast reduction comes with potential risks, including infection, poor wound healing, changes in breast or nipple sensation, and complications related to anesthesia. Dr. Doherty and Dr. Tandon will discuss these risks with you in detail during your consultation. Most patients report that the benefits of the procedure greatly overshadow the risks.

Schedule a Consultation Today

If you feel that your breasts are too large, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Doherty or Dr. Tandon at the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery. During your consultation, they will listen to your concerns, evaluate your needs, and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Don’t let discomfort or self-consciousness about your breast size hold you back from living your life. Reach out to us today to take the first step towards a more comfortable and confident you.

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